Wearing these "divine outfits" on the Weiba 400 is the only way to ride handsome!

Time : 2024/2/23 10:02:04

Retro motorcycles are meant to be handsome!


The rule of chivalry is to ride handsome but not fast

I want a trip with a 100% return rate

Riding the Zhuangwei retro motorcycle is the first step

A set of "smelly" equipment
It is also essential


Retro is a form of rebellion

The minimalist style full helmet fills the artistic temperament

Complementing the powerful and relaxed locomotive lines


Wearing a black brown leather jacket, low-key yet exquisite

Paired with gloves and brooches

Careful attention to details is more moving


Practical yet stylish cycling boots

Don't forget, shuttle freely on the road

It is also an important equipment

Retro motorcycles are the wildness of introspection

Retro outfits are delicate and understated